Het is alweer een tijdje geleden sinds mijn laatste post met nieuws omtrent m'n aquarium. Het water is nog altijd niet tip-top. Maar, zowel Erik als ik zijn ervan overtuigd dat we het wel tip-top krijgen. Dit zou de twee volgende weken moeten gebeuren. Als het water niet tip-top te krijgen is, dan is het hoegenaamd geen ramp. Want, het water is niet toxisch. M'n slakkenkolonie leeft nog en ook met de plantjes lijken er geen problemen te zijn. Bovendien zijn we van die lichtgrijze stoflaag af geraakt, die op een gegeven de bak leek over te nemen. Volgens ons is de aquarium z'n biologisch evenwicht aan het vinden. Niets lijkt de komst van vissen nog tegen te kunnen houden, al blijft dat momenteel wel van het weer afhankelijk. Zolang het hier zomert, ben ik niet gehaast...
It is some time ago, since I've posted my latest progress-report about my aquarium. The water is still not 100% according to our wishes. However, aswell Erik as I remain convinced of the fact that we'll succeed to get the water perfect. This should take place in the coming two weeks. If the water proofs to be impossible to get clear, it's still not a disaster. Because, the water isn't toxic in any way. My colony of snails is still alive and kicking and also the plants seem to be alright. Furthermore, the light-grey substance, resembling dust, is gone. Once it threatened to take over the tank. According to us, the aquarium is finding its biological balance. Nothing seems to be able to stop the fish from coming. Even though, it depends on the weather, here. For the moment, the weather is very nice, it's warm with a lot of sunshine. Aslong as that doesn't change, I'm in no hurry to get the fish in the tank...
M'n aquarium. / My aquarium.
We concentreren ons eerst op de linkerzijde. / First, we concentrate on the left-side.
Daarna volgt de rechterzijde. / After that follows the right side.
M'n achterwanden zonder lichtgrijze pluis. / My background without light-grey fluff.
Ziezo, dat was het voor nu... / That was it for today...
It is some time ago, since I've posted my latest progress-report about my aquarium. The water is still not 100% according to our wishes. However, aswell Erik as I remain convinced of the fact that we'll succeed to get the water perfect. This should take place in the coming two weeks. If the water proofs to be impossible to get clear, it's still not a disaster. Because, the water isn't toxic in any way. My colony of snails is still alive and kicking and also the plants seem to be alright. Furthermore, the light-grey substance, resembling dust, is gone. Once it threatened to take over the tank. According to us, the aquarium is finding its biological balance. Nothing seems to be able to stop the fish from coming. Even though, it depends on the weather, here. For the moment, the weather is very nice, it's warm with a lot of sunshine. Aslong as that doesn't change, I'm in no hurry to get the fish in the tank...
M'n aquarium. / My aquarium.
We concentreren ons eerst op de linkerzijde. / First, we concentrate on the left-side.
Daarna volgt de rechterzijde. / After that follows the right side.
M'n achterwanden zonder lichtgrijze pluis. / My background without light-grey fluff.
Ziezo, dat was het voor nu... / That was it for today...
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