In het onderstaande fragment ziet u de ex-generaal Wesley Clark (ex-bevelhebber van de NAVO), die het heeft over het originele plan van G.Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney en Wolfowitz n.a.v. de terroristische aanslag van 9/11/2001 op de WTC-torens in New York. Onmiddellijk wordt duidelijk dat zij helemaal niet geinteresseerd waren in het verslaan van Al Quada of Osama Bin Laden, maar dat zij van plan waren om de aanslagen te misbruiken on alle bondgenoten van de vroegere Soviet-Unie (nu Rusland) binnen te vallen en op te ruimen. De rest van de lezing van Wesley Clark valt te zien op
In the fragment below you see the former general Wesley Clark (former commander of NATO), who talks about the original plan of G.Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz in regard of the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 on the WTC-towers in New York. Immediatly, it becomes very clear that they weren't interested in the destruction of Al Quada or Osama Bin Laden, but that they intended to use the attacks as a pretext to invade all the allies of the former Soviet-Union (now Russia). You can see the rest of the lecture of Wesley Clark on
In the fragment below you see the former general Wesley Clark (former commander of NATO), who talks about the original plan of G.Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz in regard of the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 on the WTC-towers in New York. Immediatly, it becomes very clear that they weren't interested in the destruction of Al Quada or Osama Bin Laden, but that they intended to use the attacks as a pretext to invade all the allies of the former Soviet-Union (now Russia). You can see the rest of the lecture of Wesley Clark on
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