N.a.v. de terroristiche aanslag in Parijs van 13/11/2015 wordt door de politieke wereld opnieuw de vraag gesteld waarom ISIS de Westerse wereld aanvalt. Het antwoord op deze vraag werd al in 2003 gegeven door de Amerikaanse auteur en voormalig CIA-medewerker Chalmers Johnson (1931-2010) : Blowback. Hoewel dit antwoord gedeeltelijk verouderd is, blijft het in wezen toch overeind. Als je iemand in het gezicht slaat, kun je verwachten dat hij terugslaat.
In response to the terrorist attack in Paris of 13/11/2015, our political world asks again why ISIS attacks the Western world. The American author and former CIA-co-operator Chalmers Johnson (1931-2010) has already answered this question in 2003: Blowback. Although his answer is partially out of date, it remains standing in essence. Whenever you hit someone in the face, you can expect that he strikes back.
In response to the terrorist attack in Paris of 13/11/2015, our political world asks again why ISIS attacks the Western world. The American author and former CIA-co-operator Chalmers Johnson (1931-2010) has already answered this question in 2003: Blowback. Although his answer is partially out of date, it remains standing in essence. Whenever you hit someone in the face, you can expect that he strikes back.
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