Deze blog gaat over 5 aspecten van mijn leven. Mijn Wandelingen rond Lier, Fotografie, Hdr-Fotografie, Modelbouw en mijn Aquarium. / This blog talks about 5 aspects of my life. My Walks around Lier, Photography, Hdr-Photography, Modeling and my Aquarium.

maandag 30 november 2015
zondag 29 november 2015
The Syrian Refugee Crisis in Europe Explained.
Gedurende de zomer van 2015 is Europa geconfronteerd met een vluchtelingenstroom zoals het continent niet heeft gezien sinds WO II. Dit nam Europa bij verassing; niemand verwachte dit dus niemand was erop voorbereid. Intussen heeft Duitsland al toegezegd dat het 800.000 Syrische vluchtelingen zal opnemen. Hiermee lost Merkel een intern probleem gedeeltelijk op. Duitsland heeft namelijk een tekort van 3.500.000 arbeidskrachten tegen 2025. De video hieronder legt het probleem van Europa en de Syrische vluchtelingen in het kort uit. Met Nederlandse ondertiteling.
During the summer of 2015, Europa has been confronted by a large stream of refugees, as is unseen by the continent since WW II. This took Europe by surprise; nobody expected it so nobody was prepared for it. In the meantime Germany has promissed to take in 800.000 Syrian refugees. By doing so, Merkel solves partially an internal problem. Germany will experience a shortage in the labour-force of 3.500.000 laborers by 2025. The video below explains shortly the problem of Europe and the Syrian refugees. I'm very sorry for the subtitles, but I couldn't find a version without subtitles.
During the summer of 2015, Europa has been confronted by a large stream of refugees, as is unseen by the continent since WW II. This took Europe by surprise; nobody expected it so nobody was prepared for it. In the meantime Germany has promissed to take in 800.000 Syrian refugees. By doing so, Merkel solves partially an internal problem. Germany will experience a shortage in the labour-force of 3.500.000 laborers by 2025. The video below explains shortly the problem of Europe and the Syrian refugees. I'm very sorry for the subtitles, but I couldn't find a version without subtitles.
zaterdag 28 november 2015
Why the West lost the Iraq and the Afganistan wars.
Hieronder ziet u een interview met 3-sterren generaal Daniel P. Bolger met in totaal 35 jaar ervaring waaronder de Iraq en de Afghanistan campagne. Hij windt er geen doekjes om, maar vraagt zich af hoe het komt dat de USA beide oorlogen verloren heeft. Zijn analyse steunt vooral op het feit dat de Westerse legers zich hebben moeten bezig houden met van deur tot deur te gaan en te proberen om terroristen te onderscheiden van gewone mensen. Maar, wat belangrijker is, hij pleit voor een openbaar onderzoek naar de oorzaken van deze mislukkingen. De experten in oorlogsvoering kunnen vragen wat zij willen, maar openbare onderzoeken zullen nooit plaatsvinden omdat ze niet passen binnen de visie van onze 'geniale' politieke leiders (Barack Obama, Francois Hollande en anderen) die liever hebben dat het volk dom en doof blijft zodat zij, vaak om binnenlandse redenen, verder kunnen gaan met het zinloos bombarderen van moslims in het midden-oosten. Dat dit feit leidt tot terroristische aanvallen - zoals deze in Parijs van 13/11/2015 - nemen onze politici er graag bij omdat ze dan eindelijk een rden hebben om onze vrijheden kunnen beknotten. Wanneer houdt deze waanzin op?
You see below an interview with 3-star general Daniel P. Bolger, a military with 35 years of experience of which several years in Irag and Afganistan. He's quite frank and wonders why the USA lost the wars in Afganistan and Iraq. According to him, the main reason is that the soldiers were supposed to go from door to door and tried to make the distinction between terrorists and ordinary citizens. However, what's more important, he pleads for public hearings to find the roots of these failures. The experts in warfare can ask what they want, but public hearing will never occur because our genial political leaders (like Barack Obama, Francois Hollande and others) rather have that the people remain dumb and deaf so they can continue, often because of interior motives, with the pointless bombing of muslims in the middle-east. That this fact leads to terrorist attacks - like the ones on Paris of 13/11/2015 - is for them no reason to stop at all, because then they have a reason to restrict our freedoms. When will this madness come to an end?
You see below an interview with 3-star general Daniel P. Bolger, a military with 35 years of experience of which several years in Irag and Afganistan. He's quite frank and wonders why the USA lost the wars in Afganistan and Iraq. According to him, the main reason is that the soldiers were supposed to go from door to door and tried to make the distinction between terrorists and ordinary citizens. However, what's more important, he pleads for public hearings to find the roots of these failures. The experts in warfare can ask what they want, but public hearing will never occur because our genial political leaders (like Barack Obama, Francois Hollande and others) rather have that the people remain dumb and deaf so they can continue, often because of interior motives, with the pointless bombing of muslims in the middle-east. That this fact leads to terrorist attacks - like the ones on Paris of 13/11/2015 - is for them no reason to stop at all, because then they have a reason to restrict our freedoms. When will this madness come to an end?
vrijdag 27 november 2015
Andrew Bacevich' take on Syria.
Hieronder ziet u een interview met Andrew Bacevich - professor in geschiedenis aan de universiteit van Boston, afgestudeerd aan de West Point Academy, met 23 jaar ervaring als militair en opgeklommen tot de rang van kolonel - waarin hij zijn mening geeft over de betrokkenheid van de USA in de oorlog in Syrie. Tijdens dit interview zegt hij: 'Als je terugdenkt aan de geschiedenis van de USA in het midden-oosten over de laatste decennia, is een overwinning steeds moeilijker te halen. De USA is altijd sterker (...) dan de tegenpartij. Maar dit vertaalt zich niet in het verwezenlijken van politieke doelen. Wat eigenlijk gebeurt is dat de projectie van Amerikaanse kracht enkel leidt tot onverwachte complicaties en we ons verder vastrijden in omstandigheden waar we niets mee kunnen doen. Er komen krachten van verandering aan de oppervlakte en deze zijn dat deel van de wereld aan het transformeren. We zeggen dat we over de capaciteit beschikken om deze transformatie te sturen of te controleren hoewel we die capaciteit niet hebben. De waarheid is dat we in het midden-oosten voor het grootste gedeelte irrelevant zijn.'
Frankrijk is zo dom geweest om voor deze illusie de levens van zijn eigen burgers in gevaar te brengen.
Below, you see an interview with Andrew Bacevich - professor in history at the Boston university, a greaduate of West Point with 23 years of experience as military and during this period he reached the rank of Colonel - in which he gives his opinion about the role of the USA in the Syrian war. During this interview he sais: 'When you think back on the actual history of the US in the middle east over the past several decades, victory is exceedingly hard to come by. We’re always stronger (…) than the advisory. But somehow being strong doesn’t translate into political objectives being achieved (…). What actual happens is that the projection of American power leads to unexpected complications and gets us more deeply embedded in a set of circumstances that we can’t handle. There are (…) powers of change that have come to the surface and are transforming that part of the world. We have claimed (…) that we possess the capacity to somehow direct or control these processes of change. Even though the truth is that we don’t have that capacity. The truth is that we are largely irrelevant in that part of the world.'
France has been that stupid to endager the lives of its own citizens for this illusion.
Frankrijk is zo dom geweest om voor deze illusie de levens van zijn eigen burgers in gevaar te brengen.
Below, you see an interview with Andrew Bacevich - professor in history at the Boston university, a greaduate of West Point with 23 years of experience as military and during this period he reached the rank of Colonel - in which he gives his opinion about the role of the USA in the Syrian war. During this interview he sais: 'When you think back on the actual history of the US in the middle east over the past several decades, victory is exceedingly hard to come by. We’re always stronger (…) than the advisory. But somehow being strong doesn’t translate into political objectives being achieved (…). What actual happens is that the projection of American power leads to unexpected complications and gets us more deeply embedded in a set of circumstances that we can’t handle. There are (…) powers of change that have come to the surface and are transforming that part of the world. We have claimed (…) that we possess the capacity to somehow direct or control these processes of change. Even though the truth is that we don’t have that capacity. The truth is that we are largely irrelevant in that part of the world.'
France has been that stupid to endager the lives of its own citizens for this illusion.
donderdag 26 november 2015
Een Verjaardagsgeschenk II. / A Birthday Present II.
Juist op mijn verjaardag bood de natuur me deze prachtige zonsondergang aan (08/08/2015).
On my birthday, nature offered me this beautiful sunset (08/08/2015).
Langs het Netekanaal. / Alongside the Nete-channel.
De jachthaven van Duffel. / The marina of Duffel.
Zonsondergang in Anderstad... / Sunset in Anderstad...
Het natuurgebied van Lier. / The nature-reserve of Lier.
On my birthday, nature offered me this beautiful sunset (08/08/2015).
Langs het Netekanaal. / Alongside the Nete-channel.
De jachthaven van Duffel. / The marina of Duffel.
Zonsondergang in Anderstad... / Sunset in Anderstad...
Het natuurgebied van Lier. / The nature-reserve of Lier.
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