Sinds de zomer van 2015 is er een vluchtelingenstroom naar Europa op gang gebracht die het continent niet gezien heeft sedert WO II. De oorzaak hiervan zijn de verschillende oorlogen in het midden-oosten en de hoeveelheid 'failed states' en het brute geweld van moslim-fundamentalisten. De verantwoordelijkheid van het Westen in het algemeen en Amerika in het bijzonder, valt niet te ontkennen. Deze vluchtelingenstroom heeft de landen binnen de EU volledig verrast. Niemand was erop voorzien en de diensten voor asiel en migratie zijn er totaal door overstelpt. Tevens hebben de vluchtelingen de EU op een aantal tekortkomingen gewezen. Zo zijn de formulieren, nodig om als vluchteling geregistreerd te worden, hopeloos verschillend van land tot land. Hoe de individuele landen op deze vluchtelingenstroom hebben gereageerd is ook al erg verschillend. Tot hiertoe lijkt er geen bereidheid, binnen de EU, om een spreidingsplan of wat dan ook te aanvaarden. Het is nu zes maanden later en nog lijkt er geen einde aan de vluchtelingenstroom te komen. Hieronder staat een reportage van The Guardian over de lange tocht van een familie van Hongarije (waar vluchtelingen niet gewenst zijn) naar Duitsland (waar deze laatsten wel gewenst zijn).
Since the summer of 2015 there has been a stream of refugees to Europe, that the continent hasn't seen since the end of WW II. The reasons for this are the different wars in the Middle-East, the number of 'failed states' and the brute violence of muslim-fundamentalists. You can't deny the responsibility of the West in general and especially of America in this. The stream of refugees has took the countries within the EU completely by surprise. Nobody was ready for such a stream and the services of asylum and migration are completely overwhelmed. The refugees have pointed also to some flaws within the EU, regarding this matter. The forms, needed to register as refugee, are hopelessly different from nation to nation. How the individual countries within the EU have reacted to all these refugees, is also very different. Within the EU, there seems to be no agreement to take any kind of measure, for instance on how to spread these refugees over the different countries. It's now 6 months later and still there seems to come no end to the stream of refugees. Below, you see a report of The Guardian about the long walk of a family from Hungary (where the refugees aren't welcome) to Germany (where they are welcome).
Since the summer of 2015 there has been a stream of refugees to Europe, that the continent hasn't seen since the end of WW II. The reasons for this are the different wars in the Middle-East, the number of 'failed states' and the brute violence of muslim-fundamentalists. You can't deny the responsibility of the West in general and especially of America in this. The stream of refugees has took the countries within the EU completely by surprise. Nobody was ready for such a stream and the services of asylum and migration are completely overwhelmed. The refugees have pointed also to some flaws within the EU, regarding this matter. The forms, needed to register as refugee, are hopelessly different from nation to nation. How the individual countries within the EU have reacted to all these refugees, is also very different. Within the EU, there seems to be no agreement to take any kind of measure, for instance on how to spread these refugees over the different countries. It's now 6 months later and still there seems to come no end to the stream of refugees. Below, you see a report of The Guardian about the long walk of a family from Hungary (where the refugees aren't welcome) to Germany (where they are welcome).
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